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Robertson FM give a glowing testimonial

blog author

almost 3 years ago

by Rob Phillips

Robertson FM give a glowing testimonial

We keep getting told by marketing professionals that we don't shout about HVAC's successes enough, but it's not really our style.

However, when you get a testimonial like the below, we’d be daft not to share it ! Thank you to Robertson FM for their kind words. They have been a fantastic client to work with.

We genuinely believe we are the market leaders in large scale engineering mobilisations and we think the below helps to support that.

As a mobilisation specialist, we have completed a number of Mobilisations including:

- Large Government Contract – 86 perm roles filled in 6 weeks
- Large Government Contract – 60 perm roles filled in 12 weeks
- Large Supermarket Chain – 37 roles filled in 12 weeks
- Public Sector Emergency Service – 26 roles filled in 12 weeks
- University Site – 11 roles filled in 6 weeks
- MOD site - 13 Roles filled in 6 weeks

If you win a large contract anywhere in the UK and need immediate and large-scale support, HVAC should be your number one choice



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